Experience The Greatest Story Never Told: Herod & Mary
Purchase a copy of Herod & Mary through Premiere Collectibles and get exclusive access to the eBook and future community events live over Zoom!
All Platinum purchases help support Kathie Lee’s philanthropic mission!

Experience The Greatest Story Never Told: Herod & Mary
Purchase a copy of Herod & Mary through Premiere Collectibles and get exclusive access to the eBook and future community events live over Zoom!
All Platinum purchases help support Kathie Lee’s philanthropic mission!

Herod & Mary Book Talk Live Over Zoom
Date & Time: Friday, July 19th, 2024 @ 4:00 PM CT (book talk opens at 3:45 PM CT)
Thank you all for attending. Stay tuned for more live Zoom events to come!
Event Ended

Herod & Mary Platinum
Limited to 50 orders, this ultimate package includes:
- Meet Kathie Lee Live over Zoom for an exclusive book signing event
- Herod & Mary hardcover edition personally inscribed by Kathie Lee
- Instant access to the Herod & Mary eBook (first 5 chapters only) and more…
Kathie Lee Gifford’s Book Trailer for Herod & Mary
“My hope when you read this book is that you are able to dive into the fascinating, intertwined lives of King Herod and Mary, the Mother of Jesus.”

Purchase a copy of Herod & Mary through Premiere Collectibles and get exclusive access to the live Zoom community events! This is not available anywhere else.
You will also get instant access to the Herod & Mary eBook (first 5 chapters only).
Kathie Lee’s Philanthropic Mission
Becoming a community member means you have contributed to charities.

Spirit of America: Patriotism without Politics
Spirit of America is working closely with the U.S. military and State Department personnel in Poland to meet the urgent needs of Ukraine’s Armed Forces and Territorial Defense Forces on the front lines. We are providing protective gear, medical supplies, communications equipment, food supplies, and more for Ukrainian soldiers and civilian volunteers fighting to defend their freedom.

The Association to Benefit Children (A.B.C.)
The Association to Benefit Children (A.B.C.): For many decades, A.B.C. has remained near and dear to the Gifford’s hearts. With a mission to offer every child a life filled with joy and love by creating compassionate programs in response to the needs of NYC’s most vulnerable families, it is in loving memory of my husband, Frank, that we make this donation to continue the fulfillment of A.B.C.’s mission at Cassidy’s Place and Cody House.

The Rock, The Road and The Rabbi Foundation (RRR)
The Rock, The Road and The Rabbi Foundation (RRR): RRR was founded several years ago to continue my work to spread the Gospel of God’s perfect love to a hurting world through the power of film and music. The foundation’s first produced film, “The God Who Sees”, has already garnered over 7.5 million streams on YouTube.
Connect With The Community
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